Saturday, September 12, 2009

birth story and pictures

David Samuel Honeycutt was born August 13 at 11:59 a.m. after approximately 20 hours of labor. It was a challenge to convince him to get out of my ribs, which is why it lasted so long. Despite the length, the labor and birth went exactly as I wanted it to. I had amazing nurses and felt in control of my movement, pain, and how things progressed. There were no complications and he was born a healthy 9 lbs, 2 oz, and 20 1/4 inches long.

Like my other babies, he's a good nurser and a good sleeper. He's especially calm and easy going (especially if he's being held). His life mainly consists of eating and sleeping, but he's beginning to have periods of alertness when he takes in the world, including his lovely visitors and adoring siblings. (-:

My dad came for a quick visit a couple days after David's birth. Originally, we thought he would be the last grandparent to come so it was a nice surprise to have him come early (since David did too!).

Next came Mimi...

and a few days later, Papa...

Last but certainly not least, my mom came for a visit:

John is doing so well with David. David is actually relaxed in John's arms, which surprises me considering John is just four. He probably has a bit of daddy magic, like his dad.

Havilah has to be watched a bit closer but she adores "Dadid" just as much.

Oh, and his parents don't think he's half bad either...

Shawna, Jordan, Jonathan, and Jonathan's girlfriend Chelsea will be here over the next week. Hooray for family visits--I am so grateful that our family has made the effort to be with us in this special (albeit slightly hectic) time!


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