Sunday, January 25, 2009


Havilah Baklava. She's our little doll, such a girl, and is so ready to be big like her brother. Last time I gave you an update on John, so I thought you might enjoy hearing a bit about Hava's life.

Favorite things: graham crackers, My First Phonics Book, screaming (when she's happy and mad), wearing pretty clothes and stylish shoes, having her hair brushed, long hot showers, chocolate, and going on jogs in the jogging stroller.

Least favorite things: not getting gummy bears when John does (his reward for good work in the bathroom), being told "no," the moment when she realizes that Daddy is taking her in for her nap (though she calms down almost instantly and is asleep within minutes), the moment when she realizes bed time has arrived (ditto).

Cutest moments: I'll say "Raise your hands if you want to ___" and Hava will throw both arms up in the air. This also works for "Raise your hands if you're pretty" but not "Raise your hands if you're a boy" (see, she's cute and smart!).

Havilah is very independent. She feeds herself everything; I'm not allowed to touch her bowl, spoon, or food or else. She adores her brother and tries to copy him however she can. They have a love/fight relationship. Today I was in the other room and she bit him really hard. I could tell it was a big bite because he was crying (not getting even) and his shirt sleeve was soaking with her saliva. I told John he was fine and played the distraction card. But then, when he was getting changed for bed tonight, I found this big, red, openish wound on his arm. She broke the skin, little stinker! She's one to watch out for, for sure.

Words: Daddy, Mama, Papa, apple, bubbles, marble, ball, thank you and please (these two are understood only in context!).

Billy and I are so glad to have Havilah. She is a bright addition to our family and we love her so much!


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