Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween P.S.

I forgot to mention--for all you non-Arizonans--a peculiar aspect of warm weather trick-or-treating. Many of my neighbors put up lawn chairs in their driveways or even sat in their garages to hand out candy. Some of them even congregated together in a designated driveway, though they each brought their own bowl of candy for the trick-or-treaters.

Obviously, you have to have warm weather (really warm weather) for this to be possible/pleasant, but I really enjoyed it. Instead of ringing the doorbell and seeing each neighbor for only a second, the folks in the driveways made trick-or-treating seem very neighborly indeed.

P.P.S. This was the first time Billy had been trick-or-treating (as far as he can remember). He said, "Man, I missed out as a kid!" But don't feel too sorry for him; we're "helping" the kids with their 200+ pieces of candy!


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