Wednesday, October 8, 2008


John is continuing to make progress on his speech. He's still missing key sounds. "Sky" becomes "dye" because that K is tricky, as is G, Z, J, and a handful of others. But I'm happy to report that John is working hard--and still playing hard. His teachers at preschool are Awesome. Yes, Awesome with a capital A.

We had a preschool potluck picnic at the park tonight. It was a casual time and I was able to talk to his main teacher, Ms. Martin, about John. All of his teachers agree that he is one of the "sweet boys"; nothing warms a mama heart like hearing that. I also had a chance to get to better know the assistant teachers, Ms. Nancy and Ms. Kim.

While I chatted, John and Havilah went crazy on the playground equipment.

This afternoon I was making potato salad for the potluck and I said "John, can you say mayonnaise?" And he did. Very deliberately, very proudly: "Mayonnaise!" His list of words/phrases is still under 50, still far behind the average but the list is growing every day. I was discouraged a few months ago... thinking will John ever speak? But now I know that he will speak. He is starting to speak and is gaining confidence. He is so pleased with himself every time he busts out with a new word. And we are so proud too! There is plenty of clapping and whooping every time we hear something new slip out of his lips.

P.S. Don't you like Hava's shoes? She is such a girly girl and loves pretty clothes, cute shoes, and pink chapstick. I am in trouble!!


Lylah Ledner said...

what a great blog you have here. i gave you a friend nudge on FB.

michael and i know your husband's parents - robin and bill. we remember your husband too...while students at multnomah.

we're also in the phoenix valley. just thought i'd stop by your blog...very cute and adorable kids!


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