Wednesday, September 17, 2008

tomorrow I'll be more interesting...

...but tonight, since I haven't blogged in too long, I'll share a couple of facts I just found on Mike Hamel's blog:

* Seventeen hours of sustained wakefulness leads to a decrease in performance equivalent to a blood alcohol-level of 0.05%.

* A new baby typically results in 400-750 hours lost sleep for parents in the first year.

Since I have just made it through the first year of a new baby, I am approximately 500 hours behind on my sleep. And since I always stay up 17 hours+, then by late each night when I start my SCI work, I'm nearly "drunk." ha ha ha!

Actually, Havilah is sleeping very well these days. She's in her crib now (in our room, since her room is really more of a guest room) and sleeping about 11-12 hours straight every night. The best part is that John and Havilah go to bed at the same time of the evening now (about 7 p.m.) so I have an evening. Without kids. Without nursing. To work. (Or blog.) So I can't blame Hava if I'm sleep deprived.

Tomorrow I'll post a picture of Havilah's face. Tonight I told her "If anyone asks, just say you fell down the stairs. Got it?" You'll see why tomorrow. Ah yes, adventures in learning how to walk!


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