Saturday, February 14, 2009

"We Are Special"

Yesterday, after John's bi-annual dentist visit with the wonderfully patient Dr. Doxey (who kept saying, "Oh, you're doing so well John!" while John was thrashing about and screaming at him), we went to parent-teacher conferences for John. We missed the true conference day on Thursday because we were in Flagstaff with the Mullins (pictures below). This was a blessing though because it gave us a longer conference time with Ms. Martin (teacher) and Ms. Jenny (school speech therapist).

There are two developmental preschool rooms at Apache Elementary; between the two doors is a big sign that says "Developmental Preschool: WE ARE SPECIAL." As in, Special Ed. For some reason Billy and I laugh so hard at this sign whenever we are at his classroom. I know, not very sensitive--or politically correct for that matter. But considering my son is one of the special kids, I don't feel too bad. It's better to laugh than to feel bad, right?

Anyway, we were glad to hear about "John's private life" (that's what we sometimes call preschool around here) from two of the people who interact with him the most in that world. They said that John's verbal efforts have skyrocketed and that he is requesting songs for those formerly troublesome group-sings. But alas, sharing is still a major issue. We think this is because he (incorrectly) feels that taking a toy from another child is a way to initiate play, though I'm sure the toy snatching is often for less noble reasons, too. All in all, he's doing well at school and his teachers and therapist seem to genuinely enjoy having John in the classroom. And I must admit that I'm always glad to see him get on that school bus. Maybe sometimes I'm too glad, but let's just say that everyone around here benefits from developmental preschool. 

And now, the pictures from our snow day in Flagstaff:


Cliff Girl said...

I totally agree! It is better to laugh :)

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