Monday, October 6, 2008

Ice Ice Baby

Five days is a sampling of our Williams, AZ, cabin trip. We found a small lake perfect for throwing rocks in...

...though Havilah was most interested in zooming over the rocks and eating the pebbles.

This is such a fun time of year to be in Northern Arizona because the nights are chilly but the days are still mild and warm. The cabin is cozy and the kids enjoyed exploring with the pine cones and sticks and playing on the teeter totter and tire swing.

We found an amazing little coffee shop featuring drinks such as "Wicked Witch," "Kickoff," "Warm Days/Cool Nights," "Pumpkin Patch" and other fun fallish themes. John had an apple cider. Once Havilah had a taste, she continually signed "more"! Fortunately for her, John is quite generous.

It was good for us to be out amongst the trees, breathing unpolluted air, and getting a bit of use out of our sweatshirts.

So why is this post labeled Ice Ice Baby, you ask?
I've been thinking lately about what to do about the fact that John loves music but really can't sing yet. We've tried humming, or just saying random words in songs as he listens to his CDs, but then I had a revelation.
Tonight Billy and I had a lovely, leisurely birthday dinner out at a nice restaurant. On the way home after picking up the kids, I asked John to say "Ice Ice Baby."One of John's favorite words is ice so I combined it with Hava's name ("Baby") and we had the line from a classic song: Ice Ice Baby. Billy and I were laughing and laughing as John "sang" ice ice baby! in the backseat. Billy said he must think we're nuts since he's combining his favorite beverage addition with his little sister's name. Oh well! We're singing, baby!


Cliff Girl said...

Beautiful job, mom!
I love the way you see Jon's abilities and use them to his benefit. Your creativity is such a gift to this amazing boy.
Also, I thought the t-shirt he was wearing was quite appropriate to the task/joy of taking a family weekend vacation with a preschooler. :)

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