Sunday, March 23, 2008

The infamous John Willis

One of John's favorite pastimes is still "doing the dishes"--which usually means I mop the floor next to the sink and he gets a fresh shirt. But, hey, I'm not going to argue with a man who wants to lend a hand in the kitchen.

Yesterday, he jumped down from the sink and brought me a Ziploc full of water and some mysterious dark floating objects. "Da!" (which translates roughly as "look!") he said. "What is that, John?" And then I realized he had put his socks in the baggie of water. Resourceful chap.

Next--and boy, this boy keeps me on my toes all day--he opened the fridge and pulled out a bowl of black beans which he proceeded to eat like they were tiny truffles, sound effects and all.

He is still quite tender with Cutie, and wraps her in his blankets and carries her around in Hava's sling. She and Kevin Austin (who deserves his own post--soon!) get lots of love, snacks, drinks from his sippy cup, and handholding.

Billy and I are often puzzled about how to help a two-and-a-half-year-old cope with life disappointments (like getting water instead of milk at dinner). But we're trying our best. (-:
Oh, and John now says yellow as clear as can be!


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