Saturday, November 3, 2007

the Mute Boys!

Oh, the fun we can have with the grasp reflex!...

Havilah enjoys her first ice cream cone while practicing self defense moves her daddy taught her:

Me: "John, pretend like you're licking your ice cream cone":

Jadon came to play today. He talks even less than John (who knew it was possible??) so I couldn't help but refer to them as the Mute Boys! (John went to the doctor this week and the doctor assured us that John's speech is still normal; apparently, we should wait until he's two and a half before we worry or start speech therapy). Anyway we walked to the nearby high school so the M.B. could play in the grass but, alas, it was all locked up. (yes, folks, the schools down here gate the children in and padlock their grass...that's the stuff of happy childhood memories, eh?) was good exercise for me and Billy since I had Hava and Billy carried both boys for much of the way.

This is the grass at our apartment, by the way.


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