Homeschooling John has become more of a task (rather than just fun and games) as the novelty wears off, but he is progressing well. He's beginning to read and has a good grasp on the phonics concepts we've covered so far. He completed his Awana book early and will be finishing the book review by next week, earning himself a breakfast out with just Dad.
Oh yeah, Dad is popular around here.
I just cook the food.
But at least John truly appreciates good food. He is a rewarding guy to cook and bake for, with frequent exclamations of "oh yeah, I love this food!" and "Mom, this is soooo good" and "Thanks Mom for making's my favorite!"
Watch out John, in a few years I'm going to make you my co-cook!
This incident at the library a few weeks ago still makes me smile:
We were at the library to play and John immediately raced over to a group of kids around his age. Seeing what they were doing, he fell in beside them naturally (kids are great at that!). Pretty soon, he questioned a boy about his age "What's your name? I'm John!"
The other boy said "I'm Mark."
John thought for half a second and then proudly exclaimed "Your name is in the Bible!"
um...that's when I felt awkward for John. The Bible?? I'm imagining Mark thinking. wrong.
Mark said, "And so is your name! Matthew, Mark, Luke and John! We're Mark and John!"
John and Mark wore very happy faces at the realization that they had both made it in the Bible.
And I bet that John still remembers Mark's name; he is good at remembering names and details from people's lives. That will definitely be an asset over the course of his life.
I'm so curious to see who John will be in ten or twenty years. I'm pretty sure he'll still be sensitive to others, that he'll always appreciate a tasty meal, and that he'll still feel a strong bond with his dad. Everything else is a mystery that I'm excited to experience alongside him.
I'm so thankful for John!
These pictures are random but fun ones of him:
I can see John as he'll look as an adult in this picture:
These next few are all with cousins (John is the oldest cousin on both sides of the family):

First roller coaster ride!