At four and a half years old, you are leaving your baby ways behind you, giving me glimpses each day of the big kid and young woman you will become. I appreciate your honesty, your affectionate love, and your appetite for knowledge.
I also appreciate your inquisitive mind, though I must confess getting tired of that why? question when there are more than a couple dozen instances in one day. (-: I'm glad you want to know why the moon doesn't have anything orbiting it and why some babies don't have a mom and a dad to take care of them, and why you should not bite your fingernails and why God lets some people not choose him. So keep asking...and I'll try to give you real answers at your level.
I love that you crave time "for just us, Mom." That girl time is precious to me. After all, you're all I've got in the girl department. So many boys around us, but us girls have to stick together.
Hava, your Mom makes mistakes every day. Sometimes so many in one day that I wish we could erase that day from our memory. But here's what I'm working on in my own life: I want to see you (and your brothers) as my mission field, as my chance to honor God right here, right now. That involves getting past myself so it's not natural. I'm failing so often but I keep on trying. Why? Because God your Father loves you and He wants me (and your amazing Daddy) to demonstrate that love tangibly.
This week we're celebrating your first spiritual birthday. In your next year of following Jesus, I want to do a better job of pointing you to Him with your questions, with your weaknesses, and with your adoration. I thank God so often that you have such a big, tender heart toward Him. That you said today "I want to read my Bible every day" and that you soak up the truths in His Word as fast as we can teach you.
You're a precious girl, Hava Joy. I'm so blessed to be your Mom!
P.S. Here are some shots from the last few months that I especially love.
With Grandpa Tapp:
With Papa:
You and Sweetie Pie!

My Christmas elf:

in your dance costume:

Playing at the children's museum: