David Samuel is two and a half! And going on five...in his mind. This boy is "not a baby, Mom. I'm a big boy now!" He's potty training again (after six months off, due to the move I suppose). The five of us are planning a family party when that blessed day arrives when every child is in underpants during the day. Come on David!
David is a voracious talker (and a voracious eater!). He retells me bits of our "Laura & Mary" stories, sometimes even accurately. David also makes up his own stories, such as: Aaaand...my brother had to leave so he went home aaaaaand he didn't have lunch aaaaaand he took a nap aaaaaand he had a diaper aaaaaand he went home again. (yes, he is continuing the imaginary siblings ritual handed down from J & H.)
He corrects table manners in everyone (but himself) on a regular basis. "John, chew with your mouth closed!" is a common one. hhmmm...not sure that's going to make him popular in the long run.
David is quite a dear with his love and affection for his family. Tonight I was tucking the boys in and said "John, say goodnight to your brother and tell him you love him." John said "Goodnight David." To which David insisted "Tell me you love me!!" He became very excited earlier in the day when he saw Gramma Nee's facebook picture: "That's NeeNee! That's NeeNee! Show me NeeNee!"
We're at the magical--and somewhat sad--stage of David leaving my side and joining his siblings in play. He is much more concerned with "my friends" (as he calls J & H) than with what I'm doing. It is lovely to watch them play, dance, protect, and even work out their differences together.
And now for a few pictures of my handsome little guy. (-:
David holding cousin Micah:

This picture is from October when we went to the (amazing!) state fair with our homeschool group. The other kids enjoyed looking at or perhaps even petting the potty bellied pig but David had to get right up in his face to say hello.
It was the same story at the horse farm we visited this month.

It scares me sometimes, how this boy isn't scared of anything. He wanted this picture taken, also at the fair:
It scares me sometimes, how this boy isn't scared of anything. He wanted this picture taken, also at the fair:
One more thing about David at this age: he loves to pray and sing. He told me today: "Mom, God loves me!" I'm so glad he knows that with his sweet childlike faith.