John Willis is 5.5! He is maturing quickly. Often, Billy and I wonder what he's thinking about now that he's past the preschool age of say everything you're thinking right when you think it. Not that John doesn't talk (he talks all day!), but I can tell he is becoming introspective and really trying to understand the world. At least as much as you can when you're five-and-a-half.

* John's passions in life are playing, food, and his Dad. Not necessarily in that order. The boy plays from the moment he wakes up until the moment I finally convince him to rest. He likes to read books with us, or watch an occasional movie, or rarely just snuggle...but mainly he loves to play, play, play.

* This kid is so ready for kindergarten. His speech is improving every day (he gets speech therapy at our neighborhood school twice a week), his confidence is growing, and he has a good grasp on the social and academic concepts he'll need to start kindergarten. I'm a little nervous about it, but he's very excited--it doesn't hurt that he'll be six inches taller (and as much as a year older) than the other kids.
* John is an excellent older brother. His siblings are lucky bums, for sure. He is selfless in his love and care for them and is constantly looking out for them (except he does love to pour water on Hava's face in the bath. sigh. I guess no one's perfect.).

We love you, John boy!