Goodbye cubby...

Goodbye name tag:
Goodbye bus...
Goodbye Ms. Kim...
Goodbye Ms. Nancy...
Goodbye Ms. Martin...
That's right--the end of school arrived a few weeks ago and we are still sad to see it go. But we were blessed to end the school year with a bang. First, the preschool graduation ceremony.
Look who came to watch the festivities--Jenny!

(Yes, Jenny is wearing an outfit. I cut up one of Hava's old onesies and sewed it into a little outfit for The Beloved. Next, Jenny got a quilt.... Either I have a sewing problem or John is seriously addicted to that monkey--or both!)

(Yes, Jenny is wearing an outfit. I cut up one of Hava's old onesies and sewed it into a little outfit for The Beloved. Next, Jenny got a quilt.... Either I have a sewing problem or John is seriously addicted to that monkey--or both!)
My aunt Elise and cousin Kelson came to watch too.
Four preschool classes graduated at the same time. All fifty or so kids walked into and around the cafeteria dancing to the chicken dance. Hilarious!
John with his "diploma":

On the last day of school (a week after the promotion), all the preschool families were invited for an ice cream sundae party, complete with a slideshow of pictures from the last two years. We were the only family members that came so we had the party to ourselves. It was such a nice way to say goodbye to the people and experience that were such a huge part of our lives. (This is Ms. Jenny holding David below:)

Ms. Nancy put on her sunglasses and pulled out her kleenex when it was time for the final goodbyes. We were all a little choked up, really.
Although we gave the teachers thank-you gifts and told them how much they have meant to all of us--and especially John--I don't think we can ever fully appreciate or communicate our gratitude for all the love, energy, and attention they poured into our John. We sure will miss preschool!