So, I've been quiet around here but not because nothing has been happening. In fact, things have been happening at a very steady rate and some days it's all we can do to get the minimum stuff done. And I've had a lot of big things on my heart so I guess I've been in productivity-and-thoughtfulness mode, not blogging mode. But I really want to add some photos and bring things up to date:
First, we have just about a month to go until baby time! The guest room is getting ready for lots of visitors, the carpets have all been cleaned, the sewing projects are almost all completed, and soon the baby clothes will be washed and my bags will be packed. I'm at the point of seeing the doctor every week, so I know we're close (thank God! I have never really enjoyed the last few weeks of pregnancy...). Oh, funny story! I had a doctor's appointment on Friday morning which are generally boring and quite routine. My doctor, Dr. Bass, is fantastic and personable but I usually just see him for a couple minutes since there isn't anything unusual going on. This time, I laid down on the table for him to listen to the heartbeat, as always. But David was in active mode and was squiggling all over. Dr. Bass was amazed to see David's feet, hands, back, and bum moving back and forth (well, really all around!) across my belly. He said, "You would think I see this all the time, but I don't! It's amazing!" and he just started laughing and got his M.A. to come in and look at the-freak-show-which-was-my-stomach. She was amazed too and said "I've never seen anything like that before; can I touch it??" By then, I had to start laughing because this is an O.B. and his assistant for pete's sake! They stood there wide-eyed and incredulous for several minutes. Go, David, showing off before you're even born!
In other news...John is doing really well. He's had only two therapy sessions this whole summer (school starts in four weeks!); last time, Ms. Tamara said "Whatever you're doing at home, keep doing. He's progressing amazingly well." I have no regrets about him having a true summer break. I'm excited to see what his teachers think of his progress when school begins again. This morning in Sunday school I asked all of the kids "who made the sun and stars?" and John yelled out "God did!" So cute.
Havilah locked herself in the kids' room tonight and try as I might, I could not get my door-unlocking skills to make that door open. John was starting to worry so I got the jar of M&Ms usually reserved for potty chair treats (and prego Mama cravings) and slipped a few under the door. "Hava, you can have more treats if you turn the little knob on the door handle!" After what felt like forever, she got it open and just stood there like "What? I wasn't worried!" That girl! She's talking up a storm these days. Much of it is unintelligible but she has several hundred words so I am grateful. So grateful. She also loves to copy John--everything he says and does; she even copies his fears and phobias (drat!).
Billy is trying to survive working outside in 110 + degree temperatures. He's also finishing up an English class that has been the bane of his existence (almost done!). He's looking forward to having a few weeks off when the baby comes...and I'm looking forward to that too (perhaps I will nap? shower? let someone else hold this heavy baby?).
I am sewing like crazy (blog post coming soon to show you what I've been working on!), cleaning and organizing--ahem, nesting--like crazy, and trying not to go crazy. (-:
On to the pictures!
"Hava, sit my lap? Yeah?" (this is how half of his sentences end: "yeah?")
[pictures no longer available]